ALERTS The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) would like to bring your attention to the following announcement as a result of its July 18 & 20, 2016 conference calls: To view this information as a pdf, click here: COMTA Alerts – July 2016 Student Outcomes Roster Tracking Update In an effort to improve reporting...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Commission has received notification that the Montana School of Massage in Missoula, MT has voluntarily withdrawn from institutional accreditation with COMTA, effective June 15, 2016. It is our understanding that the school has also discontinued enrollments and intends to close November 2016 after teaching out its last group of students. Any published references by the school regarding “accreditation”,...
Commission Alerts To view this information in pdf document, click here: COMTA Alerts – Alerts 2016 The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) would like to bring your attention to the following critical announcements as a result of its April 11-12, 2016 meeting: Student Roster Document Tracking Update In an effort to improve reporting procedures...
April 11-12, 2016 Commission Meeting Commission Actions To view this information as a pdf document, click here: COMTA Actions – April 2016 The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) has concluded its April 11-12, 2016 Commission Meeting. By action of the Commission, the following schools have received: Initial Grant of Accreditation, April 2016 – April...
The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation is proud to congratulate one of own for winning the AMTA’s Jerome Perlinski Teacher of the Year Award: Regina Cobb, director of the massage therapy program at Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI). Regina has been the program director at CCRI since 2001, having earned the program COMTA-accreditation in...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Commission has received notification that the Ann Arbor Institute of Massage Therapy (AAIMT) in Ann Arbor, MI has discontinued its massage licensure programs. The Institute completed a Teach-Out of its last class of graduates on February 22, 2016, thereby relinquishing its COMTA accreditation effective this date. The school’s website confirms that the 800-hour Massage Therapy...
Commissioner Election 2016: COMTA is seeking Commissioner Candidates Nominations Accepted through March 1st Are you committed to quality education in massage, bodywork and esthetics/skin care? We need your help finding great people to serve as Commissioners for COMTA! The 2016 election cycle includes these four categories: Educator – Esthetics Practitioner – Esthetics Regulator – massage or...
PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD To view this information as a pdf document, click here: COMTA – Schools to be considered – April 2016 The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) has prepared and published the following list of the school(s) and program(s) to be considered at its April 11-12, 2016 Commission Meeting in San Antonio, TX....
On January 22, 2016, the Commission received official notification that the Institute for Therapeutic Massage, Inc (Haskell, NJ) will close its auxiliary classroom located in Tom’s River, NJ, effective January 31, 2016. The few remaining students will transfer to Tinton Falls, 30 miles away, and graduate as scheduled. Institute for Therapeutic Massage continues to operate its...
The Coalition of National Massage Therapy Organizations Meets to Discuss Issues Facing the Profession Click here to view the following information in pdf form: Coalition December 2015 Update December 16, 2015 – The Coalition of National Massage Therapy Organizations met December 4, 2015 in Chicago, IL to continue dialog on a variety of issues facing...