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The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation has just received notification that the Institute for Therapeutic Massage closed its Hackensack branch location on August 24, 2017.   The school remains operational at its other locations: Institute for Therapeutic Massage – Haskell, NJ (Main) 1069 Ringwood Ave #215 Haskell NJ 07420 Institute for Therapeutic Massage – Tinton Falls, NJ (Branch) 106...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SCHOOLS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR ACCREDITATION To view this information in a pdf, click here: COMTA – Schools to be considered – November 2017 The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) has prepared and published a list of the schools and programs to be considered at the November 15-16, 2017 Commission Meeting in...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Alerts To download this information, click here: COMTA Alerts – July 2017 The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) would like to bring your attention to the following important announcements as a result of its July 17 & 19, 2017 Commission conference call: Revised Standards: Standard III(B) Faculty Qualifications – Ratified After...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Alerts To download this information, click here: COMTA Alerts – April 2017 The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) would like to bring your attention to the following important announcements as a result of its April 18-19, 2017 Commission meeting: Faculty Qualifications “Undergraduate Proficiency” Change – CALL FOR PUBLIC COMMENT The Commission...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 28, 2017 To view this announcement in pdf, click here: Zulaski Press Release – April 28, 2017 The COMTA Commission and staff wish to announce the bittersweet news that Executive Director Kate Zulaski will be leaving the organization effective May 1, 2017. We heartily congratulate her on her acceptance into the...
COMTA Endorsed Curriculum
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE COMTA Unveils New Logo To view this information in pdf, click here: New COMTA Logo Press Release – 12_2016 The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) would like to introduce its new logo design symbolizing the BRIDGE between students, schools, and national professional standards. As the only specialized accrediting agency for massage...
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