COMTA Actions – December 16, 2016

November 4 – 5, 2016 Commission Meeting

December 16th, 2016 Announcement of

Commission Actions

To view this information as pdf, click here: COMTA Actions – December-16-2016

The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) concluded its November 4 – 5, 2016 Commission meeting. An announcement was made on December 5th regarding an adverse action taken which is subject to appeal. This notice is a follow-up to that announcement.

Revocation of Accreditation
International Professional School of Bodywork (IPSB) (San Diego, CA) – Institutional

The Commission had placed the institution on Probation and ordered it to Show Cause why accreditation should not be revoked at the July 2016 meeting. The response from the institution did not demonstrate that the standards of accreditation listed below were being met. The Commission voted to revoke the accredited status for the institution, an action which is subject to appeal. The deadline for applying for appeal was December 15th, 2016.

Standards Failed to Demonstrate:

Standard VIII(C)(3) – Programs meet minimum benchmarks for completion and placement as established by the Commission, stipulated in the Student Outcomes Tracking Policy. Benchmark for Completion 65%.

The HHP and AS programs did not meet COMTA’s completion rate benchmark and the deadline for meeting the benchmark was exceeded.

Standard XI(B) Management Capacity – Institutions have qualified and adequately staffed management in place.

The Commission concluded, based on the record of correspondence with the institution, that at various times during the summer and fall of 2016, the institution did not have adequate qualified management in place at the institution.

Standard XII(A) Financial Stability

Institutions are adequately financed, and finances are administered competently and legally to ensure long-term stability.

1.  A responsible financial management system ensures the continuance of the institution.

a) Financial books and bank accounts are separate from any other finances not connected to the institution.
b) Written policies and procedures exist to assure the safety, accountability, and effective use of financial resources. 

2. The institution demonstrates a commitment to the financial resources for the education of all currently enrolled students in a program consistent with the standards.

a) Financial reports provide clear evidence of financial stability and sound fiscal practices (e.g., budget, tuition bond, letter of credit, audited or reviewed statements, history of income and reserves, current ratio of assets and liabilities).
b) Financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally acceptable accounting principles, the COMTA Financial Reporting Guidelines, and all applicable federal, state, and local requirements.

The institution has not demonstrated that it meets COMTA’s standards for financial stability.

The institution does not intend to appeal the revocation. As no appeal is being pursued, the revocation is a final decision, effective on December 16th, 2016.

When the Commission takes a final action, the school is provided opportunity to comment. The following is the comment from the International Professional School of Bodywork:

“The board of IPSB is choosing not to appeal the revocation of our COMTA
accreditation.  We have been unable to mobilize the necessary investment to
satisfy the financial requirements, and we have been mired in bureaucratic
delays in the return of Title IV funds which would have enabled us to

We are proud of the past accomplishments of IPSB, which has trained
generations of manual therapists in life-changing, embodied education and
competent, awareness-oriented skills.  This curriculum still remains in our
possession, and hopefully it can still be acquired by others who wish to carry
on this valuable work.

Thanks to all who have supported and served this mission for the last 39

Farewell, and blessings upon the ongoing mission of training people to offer
the important benefits of educated, compassionate touch therapy.

Edward W. Maupin, Ph.D.

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