Commission Alerts – November 2016


To view the information in pdf, click here: COMTA-Alerts-November-2016

The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) would like to bring your attention to the following announcements as a result of its November 4 – 5, 2016 Commission meeting:

  1. Standard Academic Measurement Policy Revision

The Commission voted to revise the Standard Academic Measurement policy to include more explicit reference to verifying outside coursework when using academic credits.

The clock hour to credit conversion remains the same, using Carnegie units, which have always included the requirements for outside homework to justify using credits.  The new policy adds language to make this clearer.  Download the new policy here: COMTA-Standard-Academic-Measurement-Policy-rev-2016_11.

2. Student Outcomes Update

After considering adjustments to the COMTA Student Outcomes benchmark thresholds, the Commission determined to maintain the current benchmark of 65% for completion and placement until additional data can be gathered which would necessitate a change.

Schools will be resubmitting updated 2014-2015 Student Rosters and submitting new 2015-2016 Student Rosters for initial review on February 1, 2017.

As a reminder, the Commission authorizes all COMTA-accredited schools and programs to publish the last official completion and placement rates from the most recently approved Completion, Placement, Licensure (CPL) Chart (Appendix D.12) in any public disclosures.

3. Commissioner Terms

The Commission unanimously elected Commissioner Cliff Korn to serve as new COMTA Vice Chair, replacing Jeff Harmon who stepped down from the position due to career obligations.

Commissioner CG Funk announced her resignation as a Distinguished Contributor at the end of 2016.  The Commission and staff commend and thank her for her years of service and valuable perspective to serve COMTA schools and the profession.

Per COMTA bylaws (Article III, Section 3.2), the Commission voted to extend the Commissioner terms expiring at the end of 2017 until spring 2018 to allow time to redistribute the amount of position vacancies occurring simultaneously.  This extra year will allow for a balanced number of Commissioners to stand for election and contribute to Commission stability.

For additional information concerning this memorandum, please contact Kate Zulaski, Executive Director, at 202-688-6790 x101, or via email at  You may also email the chair of the Commission at

Be sure to check the COMTA website regularly for actions and alerts.  The Commission updates all pertinent actions and alerts on its website.

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